2008 - Concrete

Throughout 2008 we undertook a series of events relating to the detailed appearance of weathered concrete. We created two pieces of music derived from recordings of a cement mixer. One of the recordings was created from a recording of the mixer spinning without any cement mix in it. It is droney and continuous as a result. The other recording was made using a recording of the mixer while it contained some cement mix. This track is much more repetitive. You can hear extracts from these recordings by clicking on the links below.

We also undertook some performances in locations where concrete featured prominently: in Dundee, at the DCA, to accompany an exhibition featuring concrete sculptures by artist Camilla Low; in Edinburgh, beneath the cantilevered base of George Square Theatre, and at the top of a fire escape by the St. James Centre; and in Stirling, in a concrete underpass, as part of Le Weekend festival.

Audio: Concrete 1 (with mix)
Audio: Concrete 2 (without mix)
Image: CD Sleeve
Image: St James Centre

The 40 minute ep containing the 2 concrete tracks was released by Edinburgh based label Pjorn72. You can buy one for £4 (plus £1 UK p&p). Please email us.